Ivy Plus Libraries in a consortium of eleven university libraries that, in collaboration, curate thematic web archive collections using the Internet Archive's Archive It tool. The latest Ivy Plus Libraries Collection is the Webcomics Web Archive. Headed by Karen Green, a librarian at Columbia University and Sarah G. Wenzel, a librarian at the University of Chicago, the Global Webcomics Web Archive has been capturing screenshots of webcomics since March 2018. As of this write-up, the archive features seventeen comics websites, including websites from the United States, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. Visitors may browse this collection by subject (including "business" and "cats"), creator, date launched, language, or country. For comics fans, this archive provides a fabulous way to learn about webcomics that may be of interest. Webcomic aficionados are also invited to suggest a website to be archived in this collection and may do so via a Google form, included in the introduction to this collection. This brand-new collection will likely grow tremendously in the months to come, so stay tuned.