Getulio Vargas ruled Brazil between 1930 and 1945 - first as an interim president, then as an elected president, and then as a dictator of what he called the Estado Nova or New State. Although briefly ousted by a 1945 coup, he was elected again in 1951 and served as president until his death in 1954. On this website, which was designed by history professor James N. Green and graduate historian Daniel L. McDonald in 2015 for a Brown University course on the topic of "Brazil Under Vargas," readers can learn more about Vargas and his historical legacy through a number of primary documents and references to secondary resources. These documents include photographs, video clips, and newspaper articles. While the majority of these documents are in Portuguese, the website also includes a handful of English-language sources, including a link to the BBC's coverage of Vargas's 1954 death and a 1944 United Films documentary of the Brazilian armed forces during the nation's first Soldiers' Day in 1944.