From the history departments of The Ohio State University and Miami University in Oxford, Ohio comes Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, a collection of resources designed to put current events in historical perspective. This website was launched in 2007 and currently consists of several components. In the milestones section, readers will find essays that discuss significant historical anniversaries. These essays are authored by OSU and Miami University faculty. For instance, in an April 2018 essay, Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries writes about the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination. History Talk is a podcast hosted by OSU history Ph.D. candidates Jessica Vinas-Nelson and Brenna Miller that addresses contemporary issues from a historical perspective. In the connecting history section, readers will find information about "the newest blogs and coolest links to historical stuff across the web," including podcasts, video games, and more. This section also contains shorter essays from faculty and graduate scholars that address the connections between history and current events. Those looking for further reading will find book reviews in the hot off the press section. Finally, educators will find lesson plans designed to help students see the connections between history and current events by navigating to teacher tools.