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Missing Scientists' Faces

Missing Scientists' Faces is a project led by Hilda Bastian that is dedicated to "getting photos & stories of women & other under-represented scientists in the public domain and Wikipedia." In this blog, Bastian raises awareness about important individuals who have been overlooked in science history. In particular, Bastian hopes to locate photographs of overlooked scientists to include in the Missing Scientists' Faces Wikimedia Commons page. Those interested in getting involved in the project will want to check out "how to help," which features a list of Wikipedia entries in need of a photograph and a link to a tutorial about editing in Wikipedia. Science and history educators may find this blog to be a helpful resource for locating stories about important scientists and their accomplishments. The blog recently completed its "28 Days of African-American Women in Science" series, which visitors will find on the site's homepage. The series features short biographies of scientists including Jane Hinton (who, in 1941, developed an agar that is still used today to test antibiotic resistance), Inez Beverly Prosser (the first African-American women to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology), and chemistry educator and activist Josephine Silone Yates.
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Date of Scout Publication
April 27th, 2018
Date Of Record Creation
April 23rd, 2018 at 3:41pm
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