In late 2016, the Curt Teich Postcard Archives Collection (CTPAC) was transferred to the Newberry Library in Chicago from the Lake County Discovery Museum in Wauconda, Illinois where it had been housed since 1982. When CTPAC arrived at the Newberry Library it was estimated at 2.5 million items and over 500,000 unique postcard images. While the physical postcards and records of the Curt Teich Company reside at the Newberry, the largest digital version is in CARLI digital collections - the digital repository for the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois. Using CARLI, it's possible to browse the 7,000 + views of national parks featured on Curt Teich postcards, such as a 1960s view of a car on Route 66 in the Painted Desert. 7,000 images are a lot to browse, so, fortunately, other limiters are available. One can perform a keyword search within results to retrieve all the images with the word "Yellowstone," for example. Searches can also be limited by state. Most Curt Teich postcards printed before 1964 are no longer copyrighted and the image metadata supplies complete usage information. Images can be downloaded but are generally rather small since they were based on postcard originals. Another fun detour in the CTPAC is the Postcard Road Trip, which features some national parks in the U.S.