More Than Just Parks is a multimedia project started by brothers and filmmakers Will and Jim Pattiz, who travel the United States photographing and recording the natural wonders of U.S. National Parks. The brothers have a distinct goal for their project: "...To share the wonders of our national parks with as many people as we can, thereby ensuring their continued protection and enjoyment for generations to come." For those who cannot make the trip to the parks in person, this stunning visual experience provides a vivid digital exploration of twelve of America's national parks. Each park contains a three to four-minute video of time-lapsed images, a photo gallery, filming locations within the park, and a list of film equipment and outdoor gear utilized by the film crew. Each national park takes several weeks to traverse and film, often encompassing hundreds of miles of exploration. Visiting the page for Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota allows the viewer to experience, "a land blanketed in pristine lakes, ablaze with kaleidoscopic fall foliage, and the most spectacular displays of the northern lights on the planet." More Than Just Parks provides a beautiful and memorable connection to our natural lands - possibly inspiring some of us to pack a backpack and head out to create our own adventure. More Than Just Parks is a continuously-evolving project, so stay tuned.