For researchers interested in medieval and Renaissance print culture, the Digital Scriptorium (DS) is a consortium of libraries, museums, and other cultural institutions that is dedicated to digitizing and cataloging their collections of pre-modern manuscripts. These institutions include the Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley, the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University, the New York Public Library, and a number of other institutions with rich collections of pre-modern material. As noted on this website, DS is dedicated to making available not only well-known manuscripts but also "unidentified manuscripts that are traditionally unlikely candidates for exhibition or reproduction in print." As a result, DS offers researchers a large breadth of material to explore in one centralized location. Those interested in exploring this collection may want to start by reading the About DS page, which provides information about using and citing the collection. From there, visitors may access the collection through the search or advanced search options. The latter option allows visitors to explore manuscripts by location, language, or data range.