Born in Massachusetts, Margaret Hall joined the American Red Cross during World War I and served in the town of Chalons, France. While in France, Hall documented her experiences on the Western Front through dozens of photographs and letters. The Massachusetts Historical Society offers this digital exhibit containing 245 of Hall's photographs, alongside 29 other images. Visitors can browse this collection chronologically or conduct a text search. Suggested searches include place names (such as Chalons, Paris, Verdun) and other frequent keywords (including Red Cross, trench, soldier). This powerful collection of images includes photographs of Red Cross workers offering soldiers coffee and cigarettes, images of Red Cross workers beside the graves of soldiers who died in battle, and a particularly poignant photograph of a civilian walking alone through a street that has been badly destroyed by the war. This online collection accompanies a book of the same title - visitors may explore short excerpts of this book in the publication section of the website.