For art historians, educators, and enthusiasts, Met Publications (the publishing branch of New York's Metropolitan Museum) offers over 500 titles that interested readers may read online or download free of charge. These titles can be browsed by thematic category (including Medieval art, Byzantine art, and European art in the 20th century), by collection/department (including American decorative art, musical instruments, and drawings and prints), or by publication type (e.g. journal, exhibition catalogue, educator publication). Alternatively, visitors may also search this collection by title, author, or keyword. When searching or browsing, visitors have the option to limit search research to titles available to read online or to download. Titles available in these formats include American Ingenuity: Sportswear, 1930s-1970s by Richard Martin; Art of the Islamic World: A Resource for Educators edited by Maryam D. Ekhtiar and Claire Moore; and Degas: The Artist's Mind by Theodore Reff.