From PBS Digital Studios comes Eons, a show dedicated to covering the time period between the Archaean Eon (which began approximately four billion years ago) through the Mesozoic Era (which ended approximately 65 million years ago). This prehistoric time period encompassed the advent of the earliest life forms as well as the age of the dinosaurs. Hosted by veteran vlogger Hank Green, paleontologist Kallie Moore, and science writer Blake de Pastino, Eons offers clear and well-illustrated insights about the dawn of life in a series of short videos (each approximately ten minutes in length). One recent episode, "How Two Microbes Changed History," explains how endosymbiosis led to the creation of eukaryotic cells. Another episode, "The Age of the Giant Insects," describes the insects of the Carboniferous Period (358-298 million years ago), some of which were the size of modern-day pigeons. Eons premiered in June 2017, and new episodes are released weekly.