Recipe for Victory, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, presents digital versions of books and pamphlets published during World War I between 1917-1919 in the U.S and England. These materials, selected from the UW-Libraries collections, were created to help home cooks support the war effort. Texts in the collection explain the world food situation, nutritional value of various foods, how to grow gardens on "slacker" land, and cookbooks with recipes dealing with scarce products, such as wheat and meat. The 45 publications in the collection can be browsed page by page, and a keyword search is also available. For example, Wheatless and Meatless Days, by Pauline Dunwell Partridge and Hester Martha Conklin, includes a foreword that explains how careful rationing can support the war effort and includes recipes for wheatless and meatless meals. Yeasted buckwheat cakes on page 17 sound appealing for breakfast, although Liberty Loaf, composed of rice, walnuts, and cheese on page 173 sounds a bit less so. Perhaps the MacAdoo sauce, with pimentos, rice broth or hot water, thickened with a roux made from three tablespoons of precious flour, renders it tasty.