Here Be Monsters is a "podcast about the unknown" that may especially appeal to those interested in science, philosophy, and psychology. The podcast is hosted by Jeff Emtman (who has also appeared on This American Life) and is distributed by KCRW, a National Public Radio station in Santa Monica, California. Each episode of this 20 to 40-minute-long podcast explores a different mystery, from unusual scientific phenomena to urban legends. This recent episode of Here Be Monsters features Ian Tattersall from the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and explores the question: how do you represent ancient hominids in a museum when no one really knows what they looked like? As Tattersall explains, AMNH scientists grappled with that question while designing their Laetoli Figures display, which depicts two early humans (circa 3.6 billion years ago) whose bones were discovered in modern-day Laetoli, Tanzania. Tattersall talks about why this question is particularly vexing to scientists and describes how natural museums must draw on both science and art when creating exhibits. By visiting the above link visitors can listen to the full episode and check out an accompanying essay, which includes pictures of the Laetoli figures and links to related resources.