The Association of Tribal Libraries, Archives and Museums (ATLAM) is, "an international non-profit organization that maintains a network of support for indigenous programs, provides culturally relevant programming and services, encourages collaboration among tribal and non-tribal cultural institutions, and articulates contemporary issues related to developing and sustaining the cultural sovereignty of Native Nations." ATLAM offers this resource list designed for educators, librarians, museum professionals and others interested in supporting tribal institutions and indigenous programs. This resource list largely consists of reports and documents from a variety of organizations. For example, ATLAM's Sustaining Indigenous Cultures report outlines the results of the 2012 survey of tribal libraries, archives, and museums. Other documents include the Smithsonian Institute's 2011 Government Accountability Office (GAO) repatriation report, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, and a collection of recordings from previous ATALM meetings.