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UCSB: English Broadside Ballad

From the University of California Santa Barbara's Early Modern Center (part of the UCSB's English Department) comes the English Broadside Ballad Archive. As explained on the history page, this digital archive was launched in 2003 "out of sheer frustration" when English professor Pamela Fumerton was preparing to teach a course on ballads and other forms of British street literature and found it difficult to access such materials online. Since then, the team behind this collection has digitized a number of broadside ballads held at other institutions. These include Samuel Pepys's collection of over 1,800 ballads, held by Magdalene College in Cambridge, England; the British Library's Roxburghe Collection (which numbers around 1,500 ballads); ballads from Harvard University's Houghton Rare Book Collection; and much more. As of this write-up, the collection contains almost 8,000 titles. Visitors are invited to search this collection by title, date, author, keyword, and more. Not sure where to start? On the homepage, one will find a few collections based on fruitful keywords searches. Visitors looking to learn more about broadside ballads and their role in early modern England will find some helpful essays in the resources section.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
December 8th, 2017
Date Of Record Creation
December 6th, 2017 at 12:31pm
Date Of Record Release
December 6th, 2017 at 4:35pm
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