Launched in 2003, Narrative is a magazine "dedicated to advancing literature in the digital age by supporting the finest writing talent and encouraging reading, as the gateway to understanding, across generations, in schools, and around the globe." The magazine offers an extensive free, online digital library of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, authored by famous and emerging writers alike. Authors and poets in the Narrative library include Wendell Berry, Saidiya Hartman, Mark Twain, Danez Smith, Ha Jin, and many more. In addition, the collection includes interviews with authors including Margaret Atwood, Lorrie Moore, Jennifer Egan, and others. Each year, the magazine sponsors a number of writing contests for emerging writers, including one for high school students. Contest winners are included in the magazine's library, offering readers a chance to discover new writers as they browse the collection. To access the Narrative library, readers will need to register for a free account.