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SENIC: Educational Resources

The Southeastern Nanotechnology Infrastructure Corridor (SENIC) is a partnership between the Georgia Institute of Technology's Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology and the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN). As outlined in its vision statement, SENIC'S aim is to strengthen discovery in nanoscience and nanoengineering in the southeastern US, provide education and outreach, and allow nanotechnology innovations to reach the market quicker. SENIC offers a number of educational resources designed to help students from K-12 through graduate school, as well as members of the general public better understand nanotechnology and its role in engineering projects. One of these resources is the "Particle in a Box Game," which is an interactive computer game that engages students in the differences between classical and quantum mechanics - this page includes a link to where students can play this game online. This collection also includes a resource guide and a series of printable instructional sheets that outline central concepts in nanotechnology.
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Date of Scout Publication
November 24th, 2017
Date Of Record Creation
November 20th, 2017 at 2:30pm
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