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NYU Libraries: English and American Literature: Digital Collections and Digital Humanities projects (open access)

NYU Libraries offers this extensive list of open-access digital collections and digital humanities projects related to English and American literature. This helpful resource list is part of a LibGuide dedicated to the subject; the full LibGuide includes suggestions for a range of both digital and print resources. The Digital Collections and Digital Humanities project list contains links to over 30 websites that may be of interest to English literature scholars and students. These resources include collections dedicated to a single author or work (such as the Melville Electronic Library and Digital Thoreau) as well as projects that feature the work of multiple writers (such as the Victorian Women Writers Project). This list includes digital resources from all genres of American and British literature, providing visitors with a fabulous one-stop shop for literature collections and resources.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
November 10th, 2017
Date Of Record Creation
November 7th, 2017 at 8:47pm
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