Banned Books Week is only once a year, but the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) Blog includes posts on topics such as freedom to read, banned and challenged books, censorship, diversity, and other related issues every week of the year. While the blog is published by the ALA OIF, contributors are volunteers, members and staff of the Association who are academic and public librarians, and graduate students. Some recent posts include an account of a successful defense of the picture book This Day in June, that kept it on the shelves of the West Chicago Public Library; Tavern 451, conversations between characters in frequently banned books, Huck Finn, Holden Caulfield, and the Invisible Man, using only words in the texts themselves, created by Britt McGowan, humanities reference librarian and interlibrary loan coordinator at the University of West Florida; and interviews with artist Karen Fiorito (filed under the tag "Trumpocalypse"), and historian Ibram X. Kendi. The OIF Blog is mobile-friendly and well-formatted for reading on a phone, and visitors can subscribe to receive an email when a new post is published.