Wisconsin 101 is "a statewide, collaborative project exploring Wisconsin's diverse, interconnected histories through objects." This public history project works with organizations such as the Wisconsin Historical Society, the University of Wisconsin's Department of History, and Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), to name a few. The objects featured in Wisconsin 101 are curated by the project's team, which includes historians, archivists, and WPR staff. These selections are based on nominations from across the state and solicited through partnerships with a variety of community and educational organizations. On the project's website, visitors can browse featured objects by category, including Art & Leisure, Home & Daily Life, and Science & Technology. Those with a personal connection to the dairy state may also like to explore this collection via the On the Map tab. Featured items range from an 1890s Sterling Safety Bicycle from Kenosha, Wisconsin to a 1933 pillow sewn by second-generation Hungarian immigrant Rose Mary Drab of Langlade County, Wisconsin in honor of her brother's service in the Civilian Conservation Corps. Each object is accompanied by an essay and short audio clip (originally aired on WPR's Wisconsin Life series) that provides context to these fascinating objects.