Released since 2004, the Pew Research Center's annual State of the News Media report provides data on a number of issues, including news media funding structures and the news consumption habits of U.S. residents. In 2017, the Pew Research Center is releasing its annual report via a series of fact sheets in lieu of a traditional report. Each of these fact sheets, which are being released individually throughout the year, address a different aspect of the increasingly diverse world of news media. These topics include Digital News, Audio and Podcasting, Cable News, Newspapers, and much more. Each of these fact sheets includes data related to both audience as well as issues of economic revenue and funding, and when applicable, issues of ownership. In addition, visitors can explore all previous State of the News media reports through an embedded link, included in the introduction to this series of fact sheets. In addition, visitors can check out recent PEW reports also related to the news media, which are listed below the fact sheets. More fact sheets will be released throughout 2017, so stay tuned.