Laboring-Class Poets Online is a new, extensive database that allows visitors to explore over 2,000 poets from the laboring class who wrote between 1700 and 1900. This collection, headed by John Goodridge of Nottingham Trent University and developed in collaboration with an international team of English literature scholars, mostly features poets from the British Isles. Visitors can explore this database in a number of ways. In the Poets section, visitors can browse poets by name, location, nationality, or occupation. Each entry includes biographical information about each poet accompanied by links to digitized editions of known works when available. Alternatively, visitors who know of a specific work that they want to explore may browse the Publications. Laboring Class Poets Online also features a number of Visualizations, including a Laboring-Class Timeline that provides context to eighteenth and nineteenth century Great Britain, a Poet Gallery that reveals portraits of some of the poets, and additional visualizations that illustrate the ways that poets were connected.