In the 1970s, the newly formed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began Documerica, a project to photographically document places in the U.S. affected by air, water, and other forms of industrial pollution. The EPA hired approximately 70 well-known photographers who took pictures of beaches, mountains, urban areas, streets, buildings, and people in numerous National Parks, Lake Tahoe, the Great Lakes, the Alaskan Pipeline, Hawaii, California, Washington D.C., and other locales throughout the United States. By the time the project concluded in 1978, more than 20,000 images had been collected. The National Archives has digitized 15,992 of these photographs (primarily color slides) which may be viewed in the National Archives catalog. Selected images are also available on Flickr. From 2011 to 2013, the EPA ran the State of the Environment Photography Project, and collected another 3,000 photos, also available on Flickr. For an overview of Documerica and where to look online for more information and images, see the National Archives newsletter, Prologue, Spring 2009, vol. 41, no. 1.