Martians of Tomorrow is an engaging series of educational activities for upper elementary school and middle school learners. This interactive website is hosted by the Challenger Center for Space Science Education, a non-profit organization created by the families of Challenger crew members and dedicated to engaging young learners in STEM education. The title of the website refers to the fact that current middle school learners are potentially "martians of tomorrow" - individuals who may one day develop the technology to visit and explore the red planet. On this website, young learners are invited to take a fun (and somewhat cheeky) quiz to assess which of the nine potential "roles" is best suited to their skills and interests. The website then offers nine different interactive lesson plans that align with each of these interests, possibilities include Navigation, Robotics, and Communications. Each lesson plan presents middle school learners with hands on, collaborative activities. For example, the Navigation activity invites students to identify where the rover should land, then successfully communicate that information to classmates. Meanwhile, the Biology lesson invites students to discern where certain mythical species - or extremophiles - could successfully live on Mars.