ProPublica, in partnership with 38 other news organizations and civil rights groups (including The Guardian, WNYC, and PBS NewsHour, to name just few), recently launched Documenting Hate, a project that collects stories of hate crimes and bias incidents. As the project notes, there is currently "no reliable data on the nature or prevalence of this violence." Individuals who have experienced or witnessed hate or bias are invited to share their experiences via the Tell Your Story section of this website. Visitors are prompted to answer a variety of questions about the incident, including the type of incident, where the incident occurred, and why the victim(s) were targeted. While visitors must provide a name and contact information to complete this form, the project notes that it "will not share your name and contact information with anybody outside our coalition (of newsrooms) without your permission." Meanwhile, reporters may gain access to data and story leads by providing their information on the Get Involved page. There is also a well-developed Resource page for those who have experienced hate crimes and bias incidents.