Anyone who enjoys knitting or crocheting (or who enjoys donning knit goods) will want to check out the Internet Archive's delightful Knitting Reference Library. Here, visitors will find a wealth of materials about knitting across time and geography, courtesy of the University of Southampton's Library Digitisation Unit. These items can be browsed in a number of ways; for new visitors, they are perhaps most enjoyably browsed by date published. Included items span from the 544-page publication dedicated to the history of British cotton production (1835) to a cover image for a Sirdar crochet pattern for a vest (1971). Other featured items include a 1911 crocheting guide (which includes patterns for a "bath slipper" and for "drawers for a child"); and an 1885 guide from the Nonotuck Silk Company entitled "How to Use Florence Knitting Silk."