Khan Academy has teamed up with Pixar to create this interactive lesson about the Art of Storytelling. In this Pixar in a Box lesson, young writers get to hear the perspectives of numerous Pixar storyboard artists as they explain their creative processes and their personal favorite stories. These videos are accompanied by four activities designed to get youth to reflect on and discuss different aspects of storytelling, including memory. In the opening video, film director Pete Docter provides an especially helpful reflection on what it really means to "write what you know." Other clips urge students to consider their favorite films or the different storytelling elements that appear in their favorite films. Youth are also encouraged to ask their own What if? questions in regards to their favorite films, fostering creativity. This Khan Academy collection could make a strong addition to an elementary school language arts class or an enrichment class. As of this write up, this series includes one complete tutorial; additional tutorials on storytelling are coming soon.