The Fulweiler Laboratory at Boston University "focuses on biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology from the watershed to the ocean." Headed by Wally Fulweiler, professor of biology and earth and environmental science at Boston University, the laboratory is engaged in a number of research projects, including explorations of how precipitation patterns impact salt marshes and how hypoxia - caused by increased nitrogen in the environment - impacts the ecosystem of Waquoit Bay. On this website, visitors can learn about ongoing research projects and check out links to related publications in a number of science journals. As of this writing, the team of researchers at Fulweiler Laboratory has published 52 articles. Some of these articles require purchase or paid subscriptions; others can be downloaded in full for free. Finally, one highlight of this website is the extensive photo gallery, which features a number of images taken throughout the course of laboratory research. These photographs, which can also be explored on individual research project pages, bring the team's research to life.