The Amherst College Library is home to the Younghee Kim-Wait (Class of 1982) and Pablo Eisenberg Collection of Native American Literature, a collection of digitized manuscripts highlighting Native American literature throughout the past three centuries. The collection, compiled by Eisenberg and purchased by Amherst in 2013 with a donation from Kim-Wait, is one of the most extensive private collections of Native American literature that exists, numbering well over 1,000 works. Amherst Library strives to continue to build and add to this collection, aiming to "document as thoroughly as possible the full spectrum of Native American writing and intellectual life from the 18th century to the present." On this website, visitors can learn about the collection, which includes rare works by famous authors including Zitkala Sa and Leslie Marmon Silko and late 18th century speeches and sermons. Visitors may explore digitized copies of items published before 1923 - and, thus, part of public commons. These items include the 1869 constitution of the Choctaw Nation and Elias Boudinot's 1823 speech, "An Address to the Whites." Meanwhile, the collection's Flickr page highlights book covers and other images from this collection.