HippoCampus is an extensive online resource designed to enrich secondary and post-secondary instruction in mathematics, the natural sciences, the social sciences, and humanities. The resource is a product of the NROC (which stands for Network, Resources, Open, and College and Career), a "community-guided, non-profit project focused on new models of digital content development, distribution, and use." On this website, readers will find resources created by the NROC as well as relevant resources created by other digital content creators, such as Khan Academy and PhET (Physics Education Technology). The site is essentially a useful "one-stop shop" for anyone looking for ready-to-use material. Resources are initially sorted by Subject, then by type of resource (including Presentations, Worked Examples, and Simulations). Within some subject areas, instructors can also check access complete open courses created by the NROC. Some subjects also include a Textbook Correlations tab, which allows teachers to quickly and easily discover the page numbers in a variety of commonly used textbooks that correlate with online resources.