Founded in 1995, Electronic Book Review (ebr) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to "literary studies, broadly defined." Unlike other periodicals, ebr is continually updated through a series of themed threads. Each thread is edited by a content expert; current editors include scholars of cinematic arts, English, and mass communications. Thread topics include Technocapitalism (works that consider technology as a form of capital); Image + Narrative (discussions about how technology and images change the nature of narrative); and Critical Ecologies (explorations of "convergences among natural and constructed ecosystems"). Within each thread, readers will find interviews, critical essays and reviews of novels, nonfiction works, and art. Recently reviewed works include Mark Greif's intellectual history The Age of the Crisis of Man; Pete Townshend's autobiography Who I Am and German studies scholar James McFarland's book Constellation: Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin in the Now-Time of History.