Founded in 2005 by neuroscientist Eugene M. Izhikevich, Scholarpedia is a cross between Wikipedia and a scholarly journal. It differs from Wikipedia, however, in one significant way: it is peer reviewed and any of its articles can be sited like journal articles. Each topic page on Scholarpedia is overseen by a curator, a recognized expert in the field who must approve all revisions. (The curator's identity and credentials appear at the top of each page). New pages must be sponsored by a curator and reviewed by at least two other scholars. As the page notes, "This hybrid model allows Scholarpedia articles to serve as a bridge between traditional peer-reviewed journals and more dynamic and up-to-date wikis without compromising quality or trustworthiness." This peer-reviewed encyclopedia is continuing to grow, but currently hosts detailed pages related to numerous disciplines - especially science and mathematics fields. In addition to searching, visitors can also browse Focal Areas, cataloged pages featuring a common theme, such as Astrophysics or Play Science. Frequent visitors may also want to check out the Recently Published tab.