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Apollo 17 in Real-Time

Originally featured in June 2016, Apollo 17 in Real-Time continues to impress us: Ben Feist's expertly crafted interactive website allows users to explore archival material from NASA's final trip to the Moon. Apollo 17 in Real-Time is an engrossing interactive website that allows contemporary visitors to experience 1972's Apollo 17 mission, which marked NASA's final trip to the Moon. To craft this website -- a process that took over four years -- creator Ben Feist compiled and made use of various archival material from NASA, including radio broadcasts, thousands of photographs, and over 22 hours of film. The result? A spectacular interactive experience. Upon entering the site, one can listen to the entire radio broadcast of the Apollo 17 mission (over 300 hours total) and simultaneously explore photographs and film from the spacecraft's camera as this visual media corresponds with the audio narrative. As viewers listen to the radio communication between Apollo 17 and ground control, they have the option to read the transcript verbatim or explore commentary that provides helpful context. Viewers can jump to various points of the mission by using a timeline that appears at the top of the page.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
March 2nd, 2018
Date Of Record Creation
July 21st, 2016 at 1:17pm
Date Of Record Release
July 21st, 2016 at 2:33pm
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Subject: Comment On: Apollo 17 in Real-Time
Posted By: charliez
Date Posted: 3/2/18 5:09pm
Re: "radio communication between the space shuttle and ground control" It should be noted that Apollo 17 predated the first launch of the Space Shuttle by a little over 8 years. The "Challenger" of Apollo 17 was actually the Lunar Module. (The Command Module was named America.) Suggest edit to read "radio communication between the spacecraft and ground control"