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Archaeology of the Great War

Archaeology of the Great War is a project that brilliantly combines valuable primary documents (including archival letters and photographs and archaeological finds) with exceptional design. Every aspect of this website, from the musical selection to the three dimensional images to the animation, is expertly crafted with a great deal of sensitivity and skill. The result is a multimedia resource that allows modern day visitors to learn about a pivotal (and profoundly violent) chapter of history and the importance of archeological research. Archaeology of the Great War is a poignant, highly interactive website exhibiting recent archeological discoveries from the Argonne region in eastern France, where French and German troops engaged in trench warfare during World War I. The French Ministry of Culture and Communication, in conjunction with French archeologists, archivists, and university faculty, created this website to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the war. During the 1990s, a team of archeologists excavated the former battlefield, unearthing new clues about daily life and death during World War I. Visitors can view these archeological finds alongside archival photographs from the War. This material is helpfully organized into five chapters, which include thoughtful annotations about the significance of these new discoveries. Archeology of the Great War is a powerful resource about the experiences of WWI soldiers, and also demonstrates the role of archeology in recovering new insights about the past. Note: while the text of this site is available in French, English, and German, a few embedded videos are only in French.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Date of Scout Publication
May 26th, 2017
Date Of Record Creation
June 28th, 2016 at 12:45pm
Date Of Record Release
June 30th, 2016 at 1:25pm
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