This writing guide from Bowdoin College professor Patrick Rael focuses its intellectual vigor on "Reading, Writing, and Researching for History." Designed for undergraduate students, the material covered here may also be helpful for advanced high school students, graduate students, and lifelong learners. The depth and breadth of the guide is noteworthy; Professor Rael guides his readers through sections on Reading, Historical Arguments, Research, Structuring Your Paper, Writing Your Paper, Working with Sources, Editing and Evaluation, and the Writing Model. Each section is broken down further into subheadings that can be downloaded as freestanding PDFs. For instance, readers will find a handy Paper-Writing Checklist within the Editing and Evaluation section or suggestions for How to Read a Primary Source in the Reading section. Whether browsing the guide in its entirety or selecting specific sections of interest, the material here may provide a handy tool for students and teachers alike.