How, and where, do adults learn once they have left formal schooling? For those who identify as lifelong learners, where does technology fit into the equation? This report from the Pew Research Center answers these questions and more as it discloses the learning activities of nearly 3,000 Americans, aged 18 and older. As researcher John Horrigan reveals, learning in a physical setting, such as in a classroom, a library, or a place of worship, is still the preferred choice for most adults. In other words, learning activities are still very much place-based pursuits of knowledge. Another finding from the study that may or may not come as a surprise to readers, is that access to information technology remains an issue. While the Internet plays an important role in personal and professional learning pursuits for those who already have high levels of education and easy access to technology, such as a home broadband connection or a smartphone, the Internet remains on the periphery of learning activities for those with less education and lower incomes. Colorful graphs and charts round out the study, and interested readers may explore these key findings and others directly from this site or via downloadable PDF.