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BBC Future: Neurohacks

Since 2012, BBC Future, a special section of available to non-UK visitors, has presented in depth coverage on the latest trends in science, technology, environment, and health by way of various thematic columns. Neurohacks, a delightful colmun form contributor Tom Stafford, discusses neuroscience and the psychology of everyday life, with an emphasis on the complexity of the theories that underly the experiences most people take for granted. Recent articles have explored the psychology of why we forget names (and what to do about it), the deleterious effects of the Internet (it makes us think we're smarter than we actually are), an explanation for why babies laugh (we don't really know), and why we make such bad choices while gambling (because we don't understand probability). For readers who are looking for entertaining insights from an academic psychologist (Stafford teaches and does research at the University of Sheffield), Neurohacks will not disappoint.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
February 5th, 2016
Date Of Record Creation
February 4th, 2016 at 11:34am
Date Of Record Release
February 4th, 2016 at 4:02pm
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