Popplet bills itself as a tool for organizing ideas. The app, designed for both iPads and Web use, has been shaped for school and for work, though there is little significant difference between the two products. Put simply, Popplet allows users to make and connect text boxes (popples). The process is simple. Users double click to make a new popple. They may then type a word or short phrase into the popple, change the popple's color, manage font size, draw inside a popple, add an image to a popple, resize a popple, drag and drop a popple, and move the entire popple board to preferred locations on the screen. Each of these actions is accomplished with intuitive, point-and-click functions. Users must sign up for an account to use the app, but this process can be done within minutes. For educators and office workers looking for ways to present networks of ideas, Popplet can be a useful tool.