By now readers are likely well-acquainted with the Center for Disease Control's important health resources. Their WONDER database (last featured in the 03-08-2017 Scout Report) curates important epidemiology information and reports that add to their work in the public health sector.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) offers a number of databases and datasets related to public health. In the WONDER Systems tab, visitors can explore dozens of online databases that allow visitors to retrieve data on a range of issues including Population statistics, Mortality Statistics, and Environmental Statistics (e.g. sunlight and air temperatures). The Topics tab offers additional data via nine broad categories: Chronic Conditions, Communicable Diseases, Environmental Health, Health Practice and Prevention, Injury Prevention, Nationally Notifiable Conditions, Occupational Health, Reference Data, and Tools. Topics can also be found alphabetically on the A-Z Index tab. Readers interested in the latest COVID-19 updates from the CDC can find this information by clicking on the CDC logo at the top of WONDER (which takes users to their homepage).