
The Struggle for Civil Rights

"We are confronted primarily with a moral issue."
- John F. Kennedy

The Right to Vote in Mississippi

Civil rights groups work to increase the number of blacks who are registered to vote in Mississippi, and face continuing harassment and violence. Enter the Timeline

Project C

In order to draw national attention to the treatment of African Americans in Birmingham, Alabama, Martin Luther King Jr., Fred Shuttlesworth and other civil rights activists launch a campaign of mass protests, known as Project C (for confrontation). Enter the Timeline

The Integration of the University of Alabama

Governor George Wallace upholds his promise to defend "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever" when he tries to block two black students from enrolling at the University of Alabama. Enter the Timeline

Address to the American People on Civil Rights

President John F. Kennedy addresses the nation, defining the civil rights crisis not only as a constitutional and legal issue, but as a moral one as well. He announces that major civil rights legislation will be submitted to the Congress. Enter the Timeline

The Bill

President John F. Kennedy sends a comprehensive civil rights bill to Congress and seeks support from congressional leaders and ordinary Americans. Enter the Timeline

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

More than 200,000 Americans of all races join the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Enter the Timeline

The Bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church

A bomb explodes in the basement of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four young African American girls. The nation is shocked at the news. Enter the Timeline